Everyone needs to consume sometime.

Our society is very fashion concerned.

Everyone is worried about having the newest technology and not how much it cost.

No one is concerned with the dangers to the world just their selfish needs of consuming.

The whole world works around consumerism.

Everyone wants to have the latest, nicest, hair-do. No matter what the cost of money or respect.

Reality tv shows make alot of money, by appealing to the consumers' interest.

Even kids play a part in consumerism. They make their parents buy them the latest toys, and things that appeal to them.

Without consumerism, the world can not run itself.

The newest technology is a "necessity" for the consumer.

Advertisments are everywhere.

Not having new shoes could be a problem. Some are teased for not falling into the scheme of consuming.

Everyone has this idea that there is one type of beauty, and they go through many changes to reach that type of beauty.
The images I chose, showed what i thought consumerism was all about. They showed the basic wants of a person living in a consumer based enviornment. My pictures are so ridiculous, and they shed light on the ugly side of consuming obsessions. Most people dont know that with just about everything they do, they are consuming. I put a mirror up to the consumer, on how unnecessary all the material things are. They might even influence people to slow down on their consuming or at least be able to control their desires that the advertisments advertise.